Maritime shipping cargo
GOAL: / METRIC: Maritime shipping cargo
This metric relies on pilot work of the Maritime Transportation issue and is presented here only to test functions of the new Blue Accounting website.
This estimate of tonnage and value was created using the following sources:
1. US Army Corps of Engineers Waterborne Commerce Statistics.
USACE WCSC data was used to identify tonnage handled at US ports on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River.
2. US Army Corps of Engineers Foreign Cargo Inbound and Outbound
USACE Foreign Cargo data was used to identify tonnage that was (1)handled at ports in Ontario that are not organized as Canada Port Authorities (CPA), and (2) that was moved to or from US Great Lakes ports.
3. Maritime Information System (MIS) Data
MIS data was used to identify tonnage handled at the four Quebec CPAs that are included in the GLSLS. These five CPAs are Montreal, Trois-Riveres, Quebec City, Saguenay. Sept-Iles is not included because it lies outside of the system boundaries defined for this project. Due to confidentiality restrictions, the tonnages for these 4 ports are combined into one estimate, and information on tonnages at specific ports is unavailable for this project.
4. Ontario CPAs
Data from Ontario CPAs was used to improve the estimate of tonnage handled in Ontario. Data was collected from websites for Thunder Bay and Windsor. Hamilton-Oshawa and Toronto Port Authorities also provided data in a format compatible with the commodity classifications used here. Due to confidentiality issues, port-level tonnage breakdowns are not provided, only provincial-level breakdowns with USACE Foreign Cargo data added.
5. Martin Associates' Economic Impacts of Maritime Shipping in the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Region(2018).
This report contains a state/provincial-level estimate of tonnage handled, and was used to double-check tonnage estimates from USACE WCSC data, as well as improve our understanding of the share of tonnage that was unaccounted for in other data sources listed above. Martin's estimates of each commodity group's value per ton also serve as the foundation for this sheet's value calculations.
6. Shipping in Canada Reports
StatCan's Shipping in Canada reports were used to understand tonnage trends prior to 2011, and understand the share of tonnage
6. USA Trade Online Data
USA Trade Online data was used to calculate changes in the value per ton of general commodity groups over time.